Improved 2022 State of Buzzards Bay Score reflects significant reductions in nitrogen and toxic pollution, as well as new challenges due to climate change.
The Mattapoisett River Valley is home to one of southeastern Massachusetts' most important drinking water resources. Five towns (Mattapoisett, Fairhaven, Marion, Acushnet, and Rochester) are working together with Buzzards Bay Coalition (BBC) to protect important land that will secure the quality, quantity, and long-term sustainability of the public drinking water supply.
Salt marshes across Buzzards Bay are experiencing significant stress from climate-change driven sea level rise, but also a range of factors that include tidal restrictions and nitrogen pollution.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is pleased to announce that it is accepting proposals from organizations – including community and neighborhood groups – and individuals for initiatives focused on addressing climate change and other environmental improvement projects. A total of $25,000 will be awarded among multiple recipients.
Among the historic buildings and commercial fishing vessels that populate New Bedford Harbor's shoreline, Marsh Island has stood out as a rare, undeveloped stretch in this maritime hub.
While most of the Buzzards Bay community is scraping ice off of their cars, Director of Monitoring Programs Tony Williams is busy restocking Baywatchers Dissolved Oxygen testing kits for the upcoming 32nd summer season of water testing.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: