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Marco Brunette and his mom at the Buzzards Bay Swim

Marco Brunette of Concord had never seen Buzzards Bay when he decided to participate in the Buzzards Bay Swim. That didn't stop him from raising more than $1,000 for clean water.

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Buzzards Bay-themed books on a bookshelf

When winter’s chill settles in, you can still discover Buzzards Bay through books devoted to the Bay’s wildlife, ecology, people, and culture.

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houses on Eel Pond in Mattapoisett

Local conservation commissions play a vital role in our effort to save Buzzards Bay by upholding the laws that protect wetlands.

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boy holding up a mermaid’s toenail shell he found on East Beach during Sea Lab

For fourth-graders in New Bedford Public Schools, beach walks with the Coalition as part of the city’s Sea Lab program are opening a new window to learning, exploration, and imagination on Buzzards Bay.

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blue mussels and barnacles attached to a rock

Federal programs like Mussel Watch play a vital role in the Coalition’s work to fight pollution – but threats to the future of federal science, research, and funding could rob us of the tools we need to save Buzzards Bay.

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bald eagle flying at Betty's Neck in Lakeville

After their brush with extinction in the 20th century, bald eagles are beginning to return to the Buzzards Bay region, soaring over ponds, rivers, and salt marshes from Fall River to Falmouth.

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deer standing on farmland on Allens Pond in Dartmouth

A $1 million federal grant will provide one of the last major pieces of funding to forever protect more than 200 acres of scenic coastal forests, wetlands, and working farmland on Allens Pond in Dartmouth.

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two young women walking through the woods at The Sawmill in Acushnet

Even if you have a busy schedule, making the time for a simple Sunday stroll can help improve your heart health, ease stress, and create a connection to the outdoors.

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a group of kids in waders exploring the Acushnet River
Posted · By Mark Rasmussen

2016 sure has been a challenging year on the national and global level. But here at home on Buzzards Bay, it was an exceptional year of progress.

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Acushnet River at Hamlin Street

The Coalition has protected another 9 acres on the Acushnet River, growing the popular Acushnet River Reserve network of places where people can explore and enjoy the outdoors.

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: