Do you want to make a difference for Buzzards Bay? Then become a Coalition volunteer! You can help out at events, water testing, outdoor cleanups and trail work, education programs, and more. If you want to have fun, meet new people, and share your skills and passion, learn about our volunteer opportunities and sign up today!

To get started as a volunteer, please fill out our online volunteer application.

Why should I volunteer with the Coalition?

As a volunteer with the Coalition, you will join a network of 500 community members who help protect clean water by donating their time, energy, and expertise. Coalition volunteers are all ages and backgrounds, but they share one important connection: their love of our beloved Buzzards Bay region.

We provide volunteers with training, education, and support to succeed in their role. Every year, we celebrate their service with volunteer-only events and programs. If you need to earn community service hours or fulfill the requirements of a co-op or internship program, we can help you meet those needs. We also work with groups, including businesses, scout troops, school clubs, and more.

What are the Coalition’s current volunteer opportunities?

The Coalition is always looking for volunteers in the following areas. For more upcoming volunteer events, visit our Events page.


Baywatchers (Water Quality, River Herring, and Stream Flow Monitoring)

two women holding water testing sampling pole in New Bedford

Baywatchers volunteer to test the health of their local waterways once a week in the summer.

Join New England’s largest volunteer coastal monitoring program. Become a Baywatcher and help the Coalition test water in your community each summer. We use this data to assess Bay Health, which forms the foundation of all our work to protect clean water.

Some Baywatchers also assist with river herring monitoring in spring and stream flow monitoring throughout the year.

R/V Buzzards Baykeeper® Support

Experience Buzzards Bay by boat! Get on board and assist with the R/V Buzzards Baykeeper®, which conducts monitoring and research.

Land Stewardship

a group of volunteers at a cleanup at Horseshoe Mill in Wareham

Trail Maintenance

Love the outdoors? Help us pick up litter, cut back invasive vines and shrubs, and maintain trails at our reserves in Acushnet, Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, and Wareham.

Land stewardship activities are great for groups that want to volunteer. Contact us to arrange a group volunteer stewardship day.

Adopt A Reserve

Volunteer as a reserve steward and help monitor our reserves in Acushnet, Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, and Wareham. Walk the grounds and trail networks weekly or monthly and notify us of any maintenance needs or vandalism. Training provided.


Lend a hand to repair and maintain signage, fences, and buildings on our reserves as needed.

Community Engagement

a female volunteer at a computer at the Buzzards Bay Center in New Bedford

Docents are enthusiastic, dependable community members who volunteer at our learning centers in New Bedford, Acushnet or Westport.

Outdoor Exploration Assistant

Do you love exploring the outdoors? You can help connect people of all ages to Buzzards Bay by leading or assisting with our outdoor exploration programs, called Bay Adventures. Help show people how to dig for quahogs, identify local birds, explore local rivers, and much more! Flexible hours/commitment. You can lend your outdoors expertise on any subject or simply have the drive to learn more. Ages 16+.

Youth Education Assistant

Engage elementary-aged students in hands-on outdoor exploration by
assisting with weekly school day programs. These school programs focus on connecting youth to their local environment. Volunteers must be available at least one day a week during school hours.

Learning Center Support

Share your passion and knowledge about Buzzards Bay by joining our Learning Center support team. Learning Center volunteers are enthusiastic, dependable community members who choose to help out at one of our learning centers in New Bedford (year-round) or Westport (June to September). Volunteers also help with special projects around the office as needed.

Community Outreach

If you love the Coalition and want to tell everybody about Buzzards Bay, then volunteer at a local fair or festival. Outreach volunteers hand out educational materials and talk to people about the Bay and the Coalition’s work. Even if you’ve never been an outreach volunteer before, we can pair you with an experienced volunteer.


two volunteers at the Buzzards Bay Swim

Help support the Buzzards Bay Swim or the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride, two events that raise thousands of dollars for clean water in Buzzards Bay.

Buzzards Bay Swim

The Buzzards Bay Swim, held each June, is a fun, action-packed morning with lots of volunteer needs! Volunteers can help at the start line in New Bedford, at the finish line in Fairhaven, or on their own time in the days and weeks before the event. (View all Buzzards Bay Swim volunteer opportunities.)

Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride

The Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride, held each October, is an exciting, day-long event with lots of opportunities to volunteer! Volunteers can help at the start lines in Little Compton and Westport, at the Rochester lunch stop, at the Woods Hole finish line, on the road at checkpoints throughout the route, or on their own time in the days and weeks before the event. (View all Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride volunteer opportunities.)


three women volunteering to stuff envelopes for the Buzzards Bay Coalition

Use your time and skills around our office to help support our work to protect clean water.

Office Support

If you prefer to help out indoors, we can use your time and skills around the office. Office support volunteers often stuff envelopes for membership mailings, staff our front reception desk, prepare event supplies, or provide other office tasks.

Distribute Promotional Materials

Help us promote the Swim, Watershed Ride, and other events by distributing promotional flyers and postcards in your community.

Upcoming Volunteer Events

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: