The Coalition continues to focus on water quality across Buzzards Bay’s numerous harbors and coves, including New Bedford Harbor – the busy commercial port that hosts more than 400 fishing vessels and a burgeoning offshore wind energy industry. It’s also the only Bay harbor plagued with a chronic oil spill problem.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition has been working closely with area towns to identify high-priority culverts, both on freshwater and tidal streams, that need replacement; replacing these with properly sized structures can make roadways less prone to flooding, and would also foster many ecological benefits.
The single most important thing our Westport members can do to help the Westport River this year is Vote YES on Question 1 at the April 9th local election.
Our finish line Emcee Gazelle is heading off the beach and into the Bay for this year's Buzzards Bay Swim. Read about his training journey and how you can join Team FUN 107.
Last month, Scientific American magazine and WBUR released an excellent mini-documentary on the nitrogen pollution problem. Everyone who cares about Buzzards Bay should take 11 minutes to watch it.
Co-sponsored by the Buzzards Bay Coalition and The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, the event welcomed 125 land conservationists from both sides of the Cape Cod Canal.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: