How Healthy is Your Water?
41.419648, -70.934227 41.511442, -70.703441 41.4485221, -70.9208785 41.447978, -70.730385

In the town of Gosnold on the Elizabeth Islands, the Coalition tracks the health of coastal waters on Cuttyhunk Island and Penikese Island, as well as in Hadley Harbor on Naushon. Baywatchers volunteers take water samples at four stations across the Elizabeth Islands and six in neighboring Vineyard Sound.

Cuttyhunk Island
Two subembayments: Cuttyhunk Pond, West End Pond (Cuttyhunk)
Hadley Harbor
One sampling station: HH1
Penikese Island
One sampling station: PN1
Vineyard Sound
Six sampling stations: VS1, VS2, VS3, VS4, VS5, NTKS10
Bay Health data is funded in part by the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.
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Become a Baywatcher

Help the Buzzards Bay Coalition keep an eye on the health of the water in your community. Become a Baywatcher, and you can volunteer as a "citizen scientist" on the water this summer.

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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: