How Healthy is Your Water?
41.408331, -70.829167 41.447219, -70.744439 41.375647, -70.768431 41.502664, -70.679511 41.508858, -70.65169 41.512833, -70.596942

With every changing tide, water flows from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound and back again through Woods Hole, Robinson’s Hole, Quicks Hole, and Canapatsit Channel. This connection links the health – and futures – of Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound, which is why the Coalition began monitoring here in 2013. The health of Vineyard Sound is excellent, ranking as one of the healthiest waterways that we monitor.

Vineyard Sound Snapshot

out of 100
Bay Health Index (5-year average)
out of 100

Supporting Data

There are six sampling stations on Vineyard Sound: Quicks Hole (VS1), Tarpaulin Cove (VS2), Menemsha (VS3), Nonamesset (VS4), Nobska Lighthouse (VS5), and Nantucket Sound (NKTS10).

Vineyard Sound: Quicks Hole (Station VS1)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in Vineyard Sound southeast of Quicks Hole. (41.408331, -70.829167)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Vineyard Sound: Tarpaulin Cove (Station VS2)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in Vineyard Sound south of Tarpaulin Cove. (41.447219, -70.744439)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Vineyard Sound: Menemsha (Station VS3)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in Vineyard Sound north of Menemsha. (41.375647, -70.768431)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Vineyard Sound: Nonamesset (Station VS4)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in Vineyard Sound just off the southern coast of Nonamesset Island. (41.502664, -70.679511)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Vineyard Sound: Nobska Lighthouse (Station VS5)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat offshore from Nobska Lighthouse in Woods Hole. (41.508858, -70.65169)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Vineyard Sound: Nantucket Sound (Station NTKS10)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from a boat in the center of Vineyard Sound between Great Pond in Falmouth and West Chop on Martha’s Vineyard. (41.512833, -70.596942)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Bay Health data is funded in part by the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.
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Working to Save Buzzards Bay

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.

We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: