Land conservation doesn’t always mean purchasing a property outright. In fact, most of the land that the Coalition conserves is protected using a tool called a conservation restriction.
The Coalition is leading the effort to conserve over 200 acres of coastal forests, wetlands, and working farmland on Allens Pond to save this jewel of Buzzards Bay forever.
Discover Buzzards Bay is a resource to help local residents find unique and exciting ways to explore the outdoors, get some exercise, and connect with nature.
The salt marshes around Salters Pond, Flume Pond, and Gunning Point Pond are now nearly free of Phragmites after a three-year project to dramatically reduce these invasive weeds.
150 cyclists pedaled across Southeastern New England on Sunday, Oct. 2 during the 10th anniversary Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. The event raised more than $120,000 to support the Coalition’s work.
Bay scallops were once to Buzzards Bay what oysters were to the Chesapeake Bay and Long Island Sound. But today, our once-abundant bay scallops have all but disappeared.
A state court has agreed to allow the Coalition and 12 Mattapoisett citizens to intervene in a case defending the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission’s enforcement of wetlands protection laws on Eel Pond.
Working with partners from Cape Cod and Rhode Island, the Coalition is supporting a grant-funded pilot project to test new, simpler technology to reduce nitrogen pollution from septic systems.
The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a membership-supported organization dedicated to improving the health of the Buzzards Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research, and advocacy.
We work to protect clean water on the Bay and on the land: