Warrior Ritual Workshop: Connecting the Mind, Body, and Breath
This event happened in the past.Wareham, MA 02558
The Warrior Ritual Schedule:Pt 1. Clarity & Empowerment: 30 min, Engage with HypnoBreathwork to optimize your mental well-being & reduce stress in your everyday life.
Pt. 2 Cold Exposure in Onset Bay: 1 – 3 min for beginners, (Max 6 min for those experienced). Employ your breathwork techniques and experience the health benefits of cold water immersion in beautiful Onset Bay!
Pt. 3 Vital Movement: 30 min, Explore how movement can deepen your mind-body connection, strengthen your body after your cold exposure, regulate your nervous system, affirm your power! This movement session will be inclusive of all abilities.
To best prepare for the vital movement warrior ritual:
-Arrive in your bathing suit with sweatpants or a warm bathrobe
-Bring a towel and a change of clothes
-Bring yoga mat if you have one. Or two blankets (to lay on for the breathwork and a blanket for warmth if needed)
-Bring a journal and pen or your phone notes
Things to note:
This is currently a donation based experience. Suggested donation $15-$50
If you are not able to donate- please still come! All are welcome 13+
This is a beta test for development of a movement for collective healing & empowerment. Your feedback and/or testimonial of your experience is greatly appreciated
Only you can claim your power. This weekly ritual will help!
Register Here!
Cost: Suggested donation: $20