World Migratory Fish Day Lecture: Part 4
This event happened in the past.Plymouth, MA 02360
Join the Wildlands Trust for The Life History and Status of American Eel & Rainbow Smelt in Coastal Massachusetts a public talk by Brad Chase!
Join Brad Chase, Diadromous Fisheries Project Leader for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, to learn about the life history of Rainbow smelt and American eels, as well as the history of fisheries in Massachusetts. Did you know that Rainbow Smelt are anadromous, breeding in the freshwater of our local rivers? How about that American Eels have supported humans in New England as a source of food and commerce?
The World Migratory Fish Day Lecture Series is brought to you by the Town of Plymouth Department of Marine and Environmental Affairs in partnership with Wildlands Trust and Woods Hole Sea Grant. The Town of Plymouth will be celebrating its 400th anniversary in 2020 and stream restoration will be a highlight of the celebrations. In recognition of years of effort, the Town of Plymouth was designated the North American Headquarters for World Fish Migration Day 2020.
No registration is necessary. Seating is first-come, first-serve.
Cost: Free