Women’s Canoe Trip
This event happened in the past.5:30pm - 8:00pm
Lloyd Center for the Environment
430 Potomska Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Dartmouth, MA 02748
(508) 990-0505 ext. 15
Ladies night out! Enjoy canoeing the historic Slocums River. Weather permitting, this evening paddle will feature an amazing full moon and other scenic vistas.
There is a short hike through the forest at the Lloyd Center for the Environment to the launch site. All equipment is provided. Wear clothing and footwear that you don’t mind getting wet and bring a non-alcoholic beverage.
Pre-registration is required by 4:00pm on Friday, August 4. Limit 12 participants.
Cost: $25 Lloyd Center members, $30 nonmembers
For more information:
Phone: (508) 990-0505 x15
Email: liz@lloydcenter.org
Event Website: http://lloydcenter.org/calendar/