Wildlife Education Series: Coyotes

time This event happened in the past.
Thursday, February 07, 2019
Buttonwood Park Zoo
Buttonwood Park Zoo
425 Hawthorn St.
New Bedford, MA 02740

The Wildlife Education Series is a monthly educational discussion covering a wide range of topics pertaining to Biology, Ecology, Marine Biology, Animal Behavior, Veterinary and Conservation Sciences held at the Buttonwood Park Zoo. February’s talk will explore the Narragansett Bay Coyote Study with Dr. Numi Mitchell, lead scientist and project director of The Conservation Agency.

Coyotes are a relatively new but now permanent addition to Rhode Island and Massachusetts. For cultural, ecological, and practical reasons it is undesirable (and likely impossible) to remove them. Through study of their ecology, we can manage negative effects of coyotes’ presence in a way that brings ecological benefits and long-term co-existence. Dr. Mitchell will present the science of coyotes she’s learned from over 10 years of research in Rhode Island and look forward to new research directions in coming years.

Numi is a biologist specializing in the study of resource and habitat use by wildlife. She usually troubleshoots endangered species problems – this is her first project in which management issues concern a species that is too successful – an interesting challenge.

The format of the seminars will vary based on the topic and speaker, from lecture to problem based learning, and will be geared to inquisitive individuals who are eager to learn and ask questions. All attendees will receive a 15% off certificate for Not Your Average Joe’s which can be redeemed on the evening of each lecture.

Cost: $8 Buttonwood Park Zoo members; $10 nonmembers; Free to students with ID

Register Online
For more information:
Phone: (508) 991-6178
Hosted By: Buttonwood Park Zoo
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