“Who’s Watching You? Owls of the World” Live Owl Program
This event happened in the past.Falmouth, MA 02540
Everyone loves owls! But how many of us have ever seen a live owl up close? Perhaps you’ve glimpsed the shadowy form of a Great Horned Owl in the headlights as you’ve traveled a back road at night. Ever scanned a frozen salt marsh or meadow in winter, hoping to find that Arctic hunter, the Snowy Owl? How about a mob of noisy crows circling a white pine tree – have they found an owl?
Join The 300 Committee with naturalist Marcia Wilson and photographer Mark Wilson in sharing their passion for owls! “Who’s Watching You? Owls of the World” will introduce you to the owls of New England and beyond.
Marcia and Mark will host two shows, at 1pm and 3pm.
Mark and Marcia will share the field marks, signs, and naturalist’s skills that you can use to find wild owls without disturbing them, while introducing you to six live owls up close. Everyone is treated to a hooting lesson, as well as tips on how to attract and protect owls near you.
Cost: $5 adults, $3 children