Whip-Poor-Wills BYO Picnic and Bird Walk
This event happened in the past.6:00pm
Myles Standish State Forest
194 Cranberry Rd.
Carver, MA 02330
Carver, MA 02330
Join the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest for whip-poor-will spotting and a “Bring Your Own” picnic at the Civilian Conservation Corps Amphitheater (located 100 yards behind Myles Standish headquarters). No dogs at this event please.
Learn more about these vocal and elusive birds, and then head out for a bird walk at 6:30pm. The group will drive to Cutter Field Road (near Fearing Pond) and walk some of the fields until sundown (at 8:21pm). As the dusk gets deeper, we’ll listen for Hermit Thrushes and then Whip-poor-wills as the dusk gets deeper. For those interested, the group can try searching for owls afterwards.
Cost: Free
For more information: