Whip-poor-wills Bird Walk
This event happened in the past.Carver, MA 02330
Join the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest for whip-poor-will spotting and a “Bring Your Own” picnic at the State Forest headquarters!
A report from the Albany Pine Bush Preserve says Whip-poor-wills, a vocal but elusive bird, are becoming rare in the Northeast. However, Myles Standish State Forest is still a stronghold for this remarkable bird and contains some of their favorite habitat.
The bird walk is scheduled for 6:30PM. Picnic starts at 6:00PM if you want to come early.
The group will drive to the Fire Tower Parking Lot 6 on Bare Hill Road and walk some of the Wildlife Management areas off of Three Cornered Pond Road until sundown (at 8:21). There will be a first quarter moon. You may want to bring a hand lamp or flashlight for after sunset. We will place ourselves strategically to listen to Hermit Thrushes and give way to Whip-poor-wills as the dusk gets deeper. For those interested, we can try for owls afterwards.
No dogs at this event, please.
Cost: Free