Turkey Trot
This event happened in the past.10:00am - 12:00pm
Lloyd Center for the Environment
430 Potomska Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Just in time for Thanksgiving! Search for turkeys on a guided walk at the Lloyd Center. During this two-hour program, participants will make turkey callers and get the chance to head out on the trails to search for signs of these fascinating birds.
Pre-registration is required by 4:00pm on Thursday, Nov. 15.
Cost: $5 per person or $15 for a family of four (Lloyd Center members); $7 per person or $21 for a family of four (nonmembers)
For more information:
Phone: (508) 990-0505 x14
Email: jen@lloydcenter.org
Event Website: http://lloydcenter.org/calendar/