Spring Evening Wildlife Walk

time This event happened in the past.
Monday, April 01, 2019
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Lloyd Center for the Environment - Lower Parking Lot
Lloyd Center for the Environment - Lower Parking Lot
430 Potomska Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748

On an early spring evening, there is much to see and hear on the Lloyd Center property! Perhaps a calling or wandering owl, a “peenting” woodcock, chirping insects and moths in flight, or bird activity on the nearby estuary under the setting sun.

Join Lloyd Center educators to walk the property with eyes and ears open, taking in whatever the evening has to offer – including an attempt to call in owls on the property. When darkness sets in, break out flashlights and try to observe amphibians potentially active in one of our vernal pools, or if some rain is passing through, on the move across our driveway! Participants should bring (if available) binoculars, camera, flashlight, and rain gear.

Ages 15+. Pre-registration required by 12pm on April 1st.

Rain date: Tuesday, April 2; if light evening rainfall, optimal for vernal pool activity, is forecast, date may change.

Cost: $10 Lloyd Center members, $13 nonmembers

Register Online
For more information:
Phone: (508) 990-0505 x23
Category: Lloyd Center for the Environment
Hosted By: Lloyd Center for the Environment
Kid-Friendly Event
a man's hand holding a small frog in the Southeastern Massachusetts Bioreserve

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Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride
Sun, October 06
Sakonnnet Point to Woods Hole,
Buzzards Bay Coalition Golf Tournament
Fri, October 18
12:30PM - 7:00PM
The Bay Club,