Shorebird Migration Stroll at Gooseberry
This event happened in the past.7:00am - 9:00am
Demarest Lloyd State Park
101 Barneys Joy Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Dartmouth, MA 02748
Join Lloyd Center for the Environment for a walk on Gooseberry Island! This peninsula is both a breeding site for endangered shorebirds and a significant stopover site for other various migrant shorebird species. In some years large numbers of offshore (pelagic) dwellers such as shearwaters have passed through.
Come enjoy a morning walk on this very unique island. Mammals such as a wandering deer or grey seal swimming near shore are also possible sightings.
Pre-register by 3:00pm Friday, July 19. Limited to 20.
Inclement weather date: July 21
Cost: $8 Lloyd Center members, $10 nonmembers, children under 12 half-price
For more information:
Phone: (508) 990-0505 x23
Event Website: