Mid-Winter Wildlife Walk

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
9:00am - 11:00am
Lloyd Center for the Environment
Lloyd Center for the Environment
430 Potomska Rd.
Dartmouth, MA 02748

What is there to see on a cold winter’s day on the Lloyd Center property? Perhaps a wandering owl, a flock of winter feeder birds, winter waterfowl in the estuary, or a small herd of white-tailed deer searching for food!

On this walk we will take advantage of winter conditions to locate what wildlife awaits, and observe the landscape through a “winter lens”. We’ll look for wildlife tracks in snow if conditions allow, identify trees and shrubs, and just enjoy the crisp air, and if a recent storm has occurred, the breathtaking beauty of a recent snowfall. At the outings conclusion, our resident screech owl “Koko” will be brought out for presentation. Participants should bring (if available) binoculars, camera, and be dressed warmly and in preparation for walking in snow.

Pre-registration required. Inclement weather date February 24.

Cost: $10 Lloyd Center members, $13 nonmembers

Register Online
For more information:
Phone: 508-990-0505 x23
Category: Lloyd Center for the Environment
Hosted By: Lloyd Center for the Environment
Free Event
Horned Lark

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