Intro to Nature Photography
This event happened in the past.3:00pm - 4:00pm
Myles Standish State Forest Interpretive Center
194 Cranberry Rd.
Carver, MA 02330
Carver, MA 02330
Have you ever tried to take a picture of something beautiful you saw when you are out in nature, but it just didn’t come out quite “right”? At this event in the beautiful Myles Standish State Forest, hosted by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, learn how to take great pictures with everything from long lens cameras to disposable cameras and smart phones. Learn simple tips that will improve your photos and walk to a few lovely spots where you can practice.
Dress for the weather and wear sturdy footgear. Children ages 8 and up welcome; all children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring water and a snack. Rain may cancel, so call ahead to confirm.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 688-2526