Hot to Trot Doggie Walk

time This event happened in the past.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Aucoot Woods: White Eagle Parcel
Aucoot Woods: White Eagle Parcel
52 Old Indian Trail
Marion, MA 02738

The Sippican Lands Trust invites you and your canine friend to join us for our annual post-Thanksgiving Hot to Trot Doggie Walk at the White Eagle Property. All dogs and owners are welcome. Dogs must be leashed and under their owners’ control at all times.

The walk is free and no registration is required. Please bring water and dress appropriately for the day’s weather as only the worst weather will cancel an SLT walk. If a walk is canceled, then information will be posted to SLT’s website and Facebook page.

Cost: Free

For more information:
Phone: (508) 748-3080
Category: Sippican Lands Trust
Hosted By: Sippican Lands Trust
Free Event

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