Family Swim and Water Safety Lesson (With the YMCA!)

time This event happened in the past.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Onset Bay Center
Onset Bay Center
186 Onset Ave.
Wareham, MA 02558

In partnership with the Gleason Family YMCA, Onset Bay Center is excited to offer fun and engaging basic swim instruction and water safety for children (ages 4+) and families at no cost! Join us Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00-6:30pm to learn and play with YMCA swim instructors and guards! This is a FREE and family friendly event, registration is required. Ages 4+

Cost: Free

For more information:
Phone: 508-999-6363 ext. 283
Category: Onset Bay Center
Hosted By: Onset Bay Center
Free EventKid-Friendly EventOnset Bay Center

Upcoming Events

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7:00AM - 11:00AM
Start: Cisco Brewers,
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