Family Sail

time This event happened in the past.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Onset Bay Center
Onset Bay Center
186 Onset Ave.
Wareham, MA 02558

Curious about sailing, but aren’t sure where to begin? Sign up for a Wednesday evening session to try it out! This beginner and family friendly course offers a trip aboard our 12-person Drascombe Gig as you experience Onset Bay in a whole new way! Wear comfortable, closed toed shoes. Passengers may get wet from spray, but otherwise will be entering and exiting the boat on the dock and will stay dry. There is a maximum of 10 passengers on board, so please register all persons in your party prior to arrival. This is a FREE program.

Family Sail Sessions happen every Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:00pm starting July 13.

Cost: FREE

For more information:
Phone: 508-999-6363 Ext. 283
Category: Onset Bay Center
Hosted By: Onset Bay Center
Free EventKid-Friendly EventOnset Bay Center

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