Exploring the Universe from the Town Farm: Stars of Winter
This event happened in the past.Westport, MA 02790
The night sky is constantly changing, depending on the time of year and the time of night. Join the Westport Land Conservation Trust and amateur astronomer Greg Stone on four journeys across the night sky through the seasons of the year at the Westport Town Farm.
Winter is a great time for families to start stargazing because it gets dark early enough for even the youngest of children to witness the stars. In our first session, we’ll use binoculars to explore the Great Orion Nebulae, the Pleiades, and the near–but old–star cluster known as the Hyades. We’ll briefly convene at the farmhouse to meet the seven stars of the Winter Hexagon–yep, it takes seven to make up this Hexagon. Once you have found those with the naked eye, we’ll use them to discover some of the most awesome sights in the night sky using our binoculars.
These are BYOB events: Bring Your Own Binoculars. (Yes, ordinary binoculars are sufficient for stargazing!) We will primarily be exploring the night sky with our naked eye, but you can extend that exploration to some very special objects such as nebulae and clusters by using a pair of ordinary binoculars. Please plan to dress warmer than you think you have to, bring a red light to preserve your night vision, and leave your smartphones at home or in your pocket.
Cost: Free