Easthead Ramble
This event happened in the past.9:00am - 11:00am
Myles Standish State Forest - Interpretive Center
194 Cranberry Road
Carver, MA 02330
Carver, MA 02330
Get moving and learn a little about nature while doing it. Join park interpreters on this lovely and relatively flat 2.6 mile hike around the East Head Reservoir, the largest pond in Myles Standish State Forest. Participants will explore the flora and fauna that live on, in, and around this essential water source.
Suitable for adults and children ages 8 and up. Meet at the Interpretive Center in the Headquarters parking lot.
Please dress for the weather and wear appropriate footwear. Bring water and a snack. Sunscreen and insect repellent are recommended. Rain may cancel; call ahead to confirm.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 866-2526
Email: mass.parks@state.ma.us