Discover Buzzards Bay Launch
This event happened in the past.Acushnet, MA 02743
Are you ready to discover your Buzzards Bay? Join the Buzzards Bay Coalition and Southcoast Health for the launch of an exciting new partnership to help local residents get outside and explore the Southcoast’s woods, waters, and wetlands. Learn about the benefits of healthy, active outdoor recreation at this free public event at The Sawmill in Acushnet. Southcoast Health professionals will lead guided walks along the river and through the woods, while Coalition environmental educators will show families how to explore the river’s edge using nets, buckets, and magnifying glasses.
The Coalition’s new Discover Buzzards Bay website is a portal to hundreds of places, activities, and adventures across the Southcoast and beyond. If you want to find an outdoor event, a new park or trail, or fresh ideas for outdoor activities to try, Discover Buzzards Bay is your source.
Cost: Free