Cycling & Wine Tasting in Westport
This event happened in the past.10:00am - 5:00pm
Westport Rivers Winery
417 Hixbridge Rd.
Westport, MA 02790
Westport, MA 02790
Join the Appalachian Mountain Club Southeastern Massachusetts Chapter for a beautiful 30-mile ride though Westport and Tiverton on quiet roads and past farms, fields, and conservation lands. Pace 12-15 mph, with some hills. The ride will end with a private wine tasting for the group at Westport Rivers Winery. Attendees must be at least 21 years old.
Registration is required for this activity. To register, please contact leader Jeannine Audet (best time to call: weeknights after 7:00pm, weekends anytime).
Cost: $10
For more information:
Phone: (508) 493-8221