Birding with Nasketucket Bird Club

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
8:00am - 9:00am
Herb Hadfield Conservation Area
Herb Hadfield Conservation Area
255 Cornell Rd.
Westport, MA 02790

Enjoy a peaceful morning walk in Westport Land Trust’s Herb Hadfield Conservation Area. Our specialist will guide participants in identifying birds by their songs and talk about their habits and habitats. There are no public facilities onsite. Please protect yourself against bugs and ticks.

Cost: Free

For more information:
Phone: 508-999-6363 Ext. 223
Category: Buzzards Bay Coalition, Nasketucket Bird Club, Westport Land Conservation Trust
Hosted By: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Bay AdventureFree Event
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
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