April Vacation Exploration: Vernal Pool Exploration
This event happened in the past.1:00pm - 2:30pm
Copicut Woods
1700 Indian Town Rd.
Fall River, MA 02790
Fall River, MA 02790
Latitude: 41.709038
Longitude: -71.065127
Explore a vernal pool at Copicut Woods with the Buzzards Bay Coalition and The Trustees during school vacation week! We’ll hike about a half mile to the vernal pool, where we’ll look for evidence of wood frogs, spotted salamanders, and aquatic bugs that rely on this unique springtime habitat to survive.
This is one of two April Vacation Exploration programs taking place during April Vacation week in partnership with The Trustees. The other is a Forest and Field Exploration at Slocum’s River Reserve in Dartmouth on Wednesday, April 19.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 999-6363 x219