Adult Speaker Series: Living with my Wild Neighbors
This event happened in the past.7:00pm
Falmouth Historical Society Cultural Center
55 Palmer Ave.
Falmouth, MA 02540
Falmouth, MA 02540
“Help! A bird struck my window…,” “There’s a baby squirrel at my doorstep… Now what?”
WildCare, Inc. is a nonprofit wildlife hospital located in Eastham that is dedicated to the rescue and release of injured and orphaned wildlife on Cape Cod. WildCare operates a Wildlife Helpline and rehabilitates over 1,300 animals per year — everything from bald eagles to deer mice.
WildCare’s Executive Director Stephanie Ellis will cover “what to do” when you find animals in distress, who to call on Cape Cod, and will provide tips for living with our wild neighbors at this lecture. A rehabilitated Eastern Screech Owl will be will be the star of this wild encounter.
Cost: Free
For more information:
Phone: (508) 540-0876