Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from the southeast edge of the pond. (41.529852, -70.951072)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Salters Pond: Pond Inlet (STP2)
Nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algae, and water clarity measurements taken from the pond edge by the inlet. (41.528189, -70.955097)
Total Nitrogen
Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
Total Organic Nitrogen
Dissolved Oxygen
All Measurements
Average of Lowest 20%
Algal Pigments
Total Pigments
Water Clarity
Yearly Average
Bay Health data is funded in part by the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.
Become a Baywatcher
Help the Buzzards Bay Coalition keep an eye on the health of the water in your community. Become a Baywatcher, and you can volunteer as a "citizen scientist" on the water this summer.
The salt marshes around Salters Pond, Flume Pond, and Gunning Point Pond are now nearly free of Phragmites after a three-year project to dramatically reduce these invasive weeds.
At three salt ponds in Dartmouth and Falmouth, the Coalition is leading a project to restore wetlands infested with Phragmites, an invasive plant that is taking over salt marshes across Buzzards Bay.
Discover why Tony Williams, Director of Monitoring Programs, runs for clean water and how you can support Team Buzzards Bay in the 52nd running of the ASICS Falmouth Road Race.