Pop-Up Scavenger Hunt at the Sawmill

time This event happened in the past.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
11:00am - 12:30pm
Acushnet Sawmill
Acushnet Sawmill
32 Mill rd.
Acushnet, MA 02743

Join us for a stroll through the maple swamp, the meadow and riverside. As the seasons change so do our plants and wildlife. After our exploration we will gather together inside our lovely house to read a book about welcoming the Fall. We have facilities and water available.

Cost: Free

For more information:
Phone: 508-999-6363 Ext. 223
Category: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Hosted By: Buzzards Bay Coalition
Bay AdventureFree EventKid-Friendly Event
a father with two young sons standing at the edge of the Acushnet River looking at a Canada goose
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
secondary sponsor logo

Upcoming Bay Adventures

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