Nature Walk: River Bend to Andrews Grove Loop
This event happened in the past.Falmouth, MA 02536
Join The 300 Committee and Falmouth naturalist Molly Cornell for a walk beginning at River Bend Conservation Area. River Bend Conservation Area long ago was a dairy farm; later it housed a family-owned dog kennel business. This jewel of a site, and the Bartolomei parcel across the street, are vital links in the Coonamesset River corridor. Andrews Grove is the newest link in this greenway, just south along the River and Pond 14, which was secured by The 300 Committee earlier this year in conjunction with the Town’s purchase of the historic Tony Andrews Farm. All of these protected lands are a testimony to the families who cared deeply for land preservation. This is sure to be a lovely walk!
Heavy rain cancels walk. No dogs, please.
Cost: Free